Foreclosure? You might be entitled to some cash back.

As if we don’t have enough to deal with in this economy, there is a possibility that if you were foreclosed in the past couple of years, the big banks might have screwed you. There is a real shocker, big banks taking advantage of folks. A really fine article put out by the National Association of Realtors explains the problem, how you as a consumer can try to get some of this pay back. Its time consuming, but in some cases you might be looking at anywhere from $15,000 to $125000 coming back to you. Not bad. The eligibility requirements are narrow but its worth a look see. Call me at 610-737-3210 if you need help to see if you might qualify. We can discuss, and then if need be, contact a good local attorney who can assist you in making your claim. Email also if you have a mind at

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